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 昭和十二年に、南京で、日本軍が三十万人を虐殺をした、と進歩的な人々は言います。 虐殺が全くなかったとは言いませんが、洵に荒唐無稽な数字です。 私が一番不愉快に思うのは、米国人が、この件で、日本の非を鳴らしていることです。米国は、二発の原爆で、日本人を三十万人虐殺しました。こちらは、南京事件と違って、否認しようのない事実です。
 真珠湾で死んだ米国人は三千人。貿易センタービルの被害者よりも少なかったのです。その復讐に三十万人を、必要もないのに虐殺したのでしょうか。 原爆について、米国人が言い逃れをしようというのは分からないでもありませんが、日本人はどうして、このことで、米国を非難しないのでしょう。
 保守派が米国を悪く言いたくないのは、戦後一貫して同盟関係にあった相手ですから、その心底は察せられます。 一方、進歩派が原爆に関して、米国の責任を追及することがないのはどうしてでしょう。彼らは、ベトナム戦争も、イラク戦争も、みんな米国の世界支配の陰謀から始まったと叫び続けました。それなのに、原爆のことに限っては、沈黙を守るのです。進歩派は、あの戦争はすべて日本が悪かったという立場を取っていますから、米国を非難すると、戦前の日本を弁護することになってしまうのが厭なのです。結局、日本人は、誰も何も言わないので、米国はのうのうとして世界の警察官を気取っていられるのです。考えてみれば、原爆投下は、世界史上一番残虐な行為ではないでしょうか。二回に分けてのことですから、「一瞬にして三十万人」と言ってしまっては大袈裟かも知れませんが、その手軽な大虐殺は、人をして目を覆わしむるものがあります。
 一方、欧米人は、日本人が鯨を食べることを非難します。 しかし、彼らは、牛肉を食べるのです。自分は牛肉を食べながら、人に向って、「鯨を食べるのは非人道的だ」と声高に言い募るのは、原爆と南京事件の話に似ています。 鯨は「かわいい」から、「智能が高い」から、食べてはいけない、と彼らは言います。私は鯨よりも仔牛の方がかわいいと思います。偏見でしょうか。
 もう一つ重要なことは、鯨は体が大きいので、一頭で、魚何万匹分、仔牛何百頭分の肉が取れます。同じ蛋白質を得るのに、鯨なら一つの生命を奪うだけですむのに、仔牛だと何百もの生命を奪わなければならないのです。 どう考えても、鯨を食べる方が仔牛を食べるよりも人道的だという外ありません。  

           WHALE MEAT AND ATOMIC BOMB   Misawa Hiroshi

   Progressive people, leftists, communists, communists disguised, “liberals” as they have recently come to call themselves, anti-Japan activists or whatever they are, assert that the Imperial Japanese Army murdered three hundred thousand people in Nanking, China, in 1937.  This faked news is now accepted as true all over the world.  Japanese people are thought to be like so many devils.  Although I dare not say there never happened such an incident, yet the above-mentioned number of the dead is out of the question. 

   What makes me most offended is the fact that many Americans speak ill of Japan concerning this so-called “Rape of Nanking.”

   In August 6 and 9, 1945, the United States bombers dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, slaughtering three hundred thousand people in all.  The existence of this fact, far from the phantom Nanking Incident, leaves no room for doubt.

   Americans say, “It couldn’t be helped.  There was Pearl Harbor first and Hiroshima and Nagasaki afterwards.  It is Japan that is to blame.”  If so, they must not forget that many Japanese soldiers had been killed first by those Chinese soldiers who, in plain clothes, pretended to be civilians.  Why don’t they say, “It is China that is to blame.”  (To make it double sure, our ancestors didn’t kill more than ten thousand Chinese in this case.  And the Imperial Army did harm to few, if any, noncombatants.)

   In the Pearl Harbor attack, around three thousand Americans were killed, less than the total amount of the victims in the September 11 (2001) attacks.  And yet Americans took revenge on Japan by killing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki one hundred times as many, almost all of them civilians. 

   Of course, it is not strange that Americans, the perpetrators, make various attempts to explain away the crime they committed.  What is confusing is that Japanese people hesitate to accuse the United States of this cruelty.

   The conservative camp doesn’t want to talk against the US because the country has been Japan’s ally since the end of the Second World War.  It is easy to understand their silence.

   On the other hand, why doesn’t the progressive(left-wing) faction refer to the responsibility of the United States for this matter?  They have always been railing at the country for interfering with Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and other parts of the world, crying all evils began with Americans’ intrigue to conquer the world.  For all that, they hold their tongue as far as Hiroshima and Nagasaki are concerned.

   Progressive people are of the opinion that Japan must shoulder the responsibility of whatever came about during the war.  They believe, “Japan worst, America worse, Soviet Russia and Red China good.”  (I must explain the circumstances to those foreigners who don’t know what is going on in Japan: Japanese progressives hate their mother country indeed, at least partly because of the existence of the emperor system, I guess!)

  That’s the reason they won’t criticize America.  If they did, it would add up to defending Japan, whose honor they are making every effort to impair.

  As a result, neither rightists nor leftists point out this inhumanity, allowing America to make believe to be the policeman of the world.  If your way of thinking is to be logical, you must reach the conclusion that the atomic bombardments were the cruelest acts in the history of the human race.  Talking of those who happened to be in the neighborhood of the blast center (explosion point), hardly had they seen the fireball for an instant when they were being melted in a blast furnace.  I wonder how come Japanese people don’t call it atrocity.

   On the other hand, Americans also find fault with Japanese with regards to another problem: that we eat whale meat.  Nevertheless, they themselves eat beef.  Thrusting a blood-dripping piece of beefsteak with a fork, they say dead to shame, “What a cold-blooded people the Japanese are!  They kill whales and eat their meat.”

  What a hypocrisy it is!  And what a resemblance there is between the beef vs whale-meat case and the Nanking vs Hiroshima-Nagasaki case!

   The excuse they give is that whales are “pretty” and “intelligent.”  They show us the pictures of a baby whale, saying, “How dare you kill and eat such a lovely creature?”  Do Americans mean baby cows are not pretty?  I am under the impression that a baby cow is prettier than a baby whale.

   As for mental capacity, I agree to a part of their argument.  It is true that the more intelligent an animal, the bigger the terror in its heart.  You can say it is crueler to kill intelligent animals.  However I once read in a science magazine a study of some American biologist to the effect that cows are more intelligent than whales.  Are there enough grounds for the belief or allegation of anti-whaling activists, let alone that of the outrageous “Sea Shepherds”?

   Japanese progressive people do nothing but curry favor with China while using abusive language against the United States.  In fact, it’s false obedience, a Judas kiss.  They praise China up out of terror for the dictatorial, gangster country.  Japanese progressive people are in secret love with white people especially in terms of culture and civilization.

   Progressive people used to insist that we do away with Chinese characters and make general use of the European or American characters (ABCDE), romanizing the Japanese language.  They seem to have backed down on their foolish proposal, though.  I would like to turn informer and warn the Chinese government to see through their inmost thoughts.  They put Europe and America above China, despising the latter’s history and culture, including Chinese characters.

   There is every reason for their restlessness when they hear white people say, “It is cruel to eat whale meat.”  The words come to them as an oracle from the heaven.

   Now you must have understood the hidden explanation why progressive people easily comply with what white people say and try to refrain from eating whale meat.  Inferior complex makes them do so.  I remember reading an editorial article of an influential newspaper which said, “We need not persist in eating whale meat.  This is not an important problem compared with international friendship.  We should try to be loved by other peoples by quitting a trifle custom.”  Can you help laughing?  Can you help getting angry?

   There is another issue I want to come up with.  We can take in as much protein from a whale as from ten thousand fish or many hundreds of calf.  In order to get the same amount of protein, in the case where we must take one hundred lives of calf, we have only to take a single life if we choose to eat whale meat.

   However hard I may think, there is nothing for it but to ask a question: why is it more humanistic to eat beef than it is to eat whale meat?              (July 7, 2018)